RPA: How to Save Time and Improve Your Team’s Talent

Andrés Uzeta
28 de September de 2021 · 7 min de lectura

More and more businesses are incorporating a new generation of robotic assistants into their work teams to handle the most repetitive and less creative tasks. As a result, operations are sped up, operating costs are reduced, and delivery times are optimized. Finally, these new colleagues assist in making better, safer, and faster decisions. What exactly is RPA, and how can it benefit your organization? Why is it critical to begin any automation project with a process analysis of the company’s processes?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a process automation technology based on software robots that are responsible for resolving repetitive and inefficient tasks in a business.

These robots all have the same structure, which is made up of two parts. The first are structured data, which come from various inputs such as databases, formularies, or archives; and the second is process logic, which is based on rules or conditions and is capable of thinking and making decisions based on the data received.

RPA is a supplement to human work because it allows human collaborators to focus their time and efforts on more complex tasks that require greater creativity to add value to the team. Furthermore, it makes it easier to focus on problem solving, developing new strategies, and suggesting organizational improvements.

According to Statista, the global RPA market is expected to grow to more than 13 billion dollars by 2030, representing a more than 12-billion-dollar increase over 2020. Furthermore, according to the same consulting firm, UiPath will be the most popular RPA provider in 2020, with 29 percent of respondents opting for it. It is followed by Microsoft, via the firm Softomotive with 23 percent.


5 benefits of implementing RPA

1. ASavings in operating times

Until now, tasks like validating information in a form or registering new customers and suppliers took a long time. However, thanks to RPA, organizations can reduce deliveries by up to 90% because everything is more automated and faster.

2. Error elimination

Unlike humans, such an algorithm is extremely unlikely to fail. As a result, work quality increases exponentially and becomes more reliable.

3. Take advantage of the already-existing digital world.

RPAs are “digital natives” from the start. While humans have become experts in the use of digital tools, the truth is that robots can understand and use them more effectively.

4. Improved tool synchronization

RPAs make more efficient and secure decisions using structured data from various digital sources. As a result, these various “inputs” of information can be used effectively and without confusion. 

5. Room for experimentation

These robots can handle a variety of tasks and can be combined with other technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, to become increasingly autonomous. You can create new products, solutions, processes, and procedures that were not even on people’s minds before by creating a 24/7 workforce capable of exponential learning. 


Automation Diagnostics

It is important to remember that whenever technology is used, if it is done in an efficient manner, it will maximize efficiency. On the contrary, if it is inefficient, it is very likely that this inefficiency will be magnified.

As a result, the first step in any automation process will be to conduct a diagnosis in order to determine the state of the organization’s processes and make the best decisions on the automation path.

The seven steps to automation are as follows:

  • Diagnose and comprehend abilities in a realistic and sincere manner.
  • Document the processes, putting the most urgent and critical ones first.
  • Analyze and define specific opportunities and needs in a long-term manner.
  • Involve the team so that they can be a positive and successful part of the change.
  • Create and implement a digital solution that is compatible with what is already in place.
  • Communicate with and train people to help them understand how to change the daily operations of their processes.
  • Analyze the results and look for ways to improve them in order to continue optimizing the automation process.

“Multiplica Lite offers a free diagnostic service to help organizations better identify their automation stage.”


How should RPA be implemented?

Each RPA project has its own set of rules and procedures. To carry out this type of implementation, Multiplica Lite collaborates with UiPath to establish a series of four movements.

1. Determine what you want to automate.

What has not been established cannot be improved. The first step toward success is to ensure that the base of activities and resources for a specific goal are clear and well defined.

2. Determine where the algorithm will reside.

Databases, emails, forms, and/or applications must be handled by the robot. As a result, it is critical to understand which ecosystem it will be moving in, what tools it will modify, and where it will take data from.

3. Run a workflow

Depending on the actions and tools used, programmable lines of code can be generated so that the robot can carry out the tasks for which it was designed. This is where UiPath comes into play.

4. Make the robot available to humans.

Decision makers can obtain results and make this data visible to different groups of users based on their profile, degree of responsibility, or area in this manner.


Life-improving robots

Multiplica Lite assisted an online medical care company in automating a validation process for new doctors joining its platform. The company needed to confirm that the candidates were, in fact, qualified for the job.

“The validation time for the applications was reduced from 24 hours to 5 minutes thanks to an RPA in charge of analyzing and validating the documentation.”

Do you want us to conduct a free analysis of your company’s processes? If you want to learn more about how to implement RPA in your organization, please reach out to me via LinkedIn.

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