Transforming content creation with generative AI
About this white paper Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing content creation across different marketing channels and customer segments. From personal...
Report: Securing the Future: Innovation and Trends in 2023
Technological advancement has given rise to disruptive companies in the digital world. In the insurance industry, technology has pushed traditional companies to reinvent themselves to meet digital exp...
Report: Retail 2023: The technology-driven fusion of physical and digital
The digital revolution of the ‘90s revolutionized the economy and commerce. eCommerce has become a global window for retail in these three decades of modernization.
In this Multipli...
Report: Digital Tourism: Priorities and opportunities

On a global level, during the first quarter of 2023, twice as many people traveled as in the same period of 2022. The United States receives...
Customer Loyalty in Financial Companies
In this whitepaper, you will find which customer loyalty programs are increasing the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) of large financial brands.


We show you how American Expr...
25 tactics for optimizing your eCommerce
Black Friday 2021 turned out _8.9 billion in sales worldwide. This event has become the ultimate exponent of seasonal sales, but throughout the year we find other periods of high consumption that repr...
Tactics to acquire, nurture, convert and retain across the buyer’s journey
Covid-19 and the acceleration of digital transformation have brought about new priorities and challenges for businesses. Faced with this unprecedented situation, at Multiplica we analyzed business cyc...
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